Content Packs

What is a content pack?

PocketLaw is built on archives of the content of respective LIIs which includes the pages accessible online and downloadable content that includes document files such as PDFs, DOCXs, e.t.c. All this content is then made accessible even when offline through PocketLaw.

A content pack is an archive that contains a subset of the content on a LII website.

These content packs include:

  1. Base pack - this content pack contains all the HTML content on the respective LII website excluding all downloadable content, i.e., documents (PDF, DOC, RTF e.t.c). This is the default pack and will be available on all versions of PocketLaw.

  2. Caselaw pack - this pack contains the downloadable content for judgments on the respective LII website

  3. Legislation pack - this pack contains the downloadable content for legislation on the respective LII website

  4. Gazettes pack - this pack contains the downloadable content for gazettes on the respective LII website

Why content packs?

All HTML and downloadable content can be bundled together into a single archive for use offline on PocketLaw with the main drawback being the total size of the single archive. Using this single large archive also means that the resulting installer for PocketLaw also becomes quite large. With content packs, the base installer for PocketLaw is dramatically smaller and easier to distribute.

Content packs also offer greater flexibility on the type of content needed offline meaning you can choose the content they want accessible offline and ignore the rest without having to download the full archive and incurring bandwidth and storage costs.

Are all content packs required?

Only the base content pack is mandatory as it contains all the HTML content that is rendered on the PocketLaw installation. Note that all the HTML pages for judgments, legislation and gazettes are still available in the base pack and can be accessed while offline - only downloadable files will be missing from the base pack.

The other three content packs are optional. You have the freedom to choose which packs to install for offline access, and which ones to skip.

How are content packs installed and updated?

Content packs are managed in the updates section of the PocketLaw app as indicated in the screenshots below:

This section allows you to install and update content packs over the internet. When new content pack versions are available on the server, PocketLaw will send a notification indicating the same. PocketLaw can also be configured to automatically keep the installed content packs up to date using the ‘Automatically updated installed packs’ setting.

Content packs can also be installed or updated from disk or a flash drive via the ‘Import Pack’ option.

Last updated